
Travel-An Investment in yourself

| 2021/04/15

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                                                                                   "Travel opens your heart, broadens your mind and fills your life with stories to tell"



"Travel opens your heart, broadens your mind and fills your life with stories to tell." When we spent years of our life at one place, we tend to create some negative spaces in our life, which somehow becomes a part of our lives. When we travel away from a place where we have spent so much time, we are expected to fit in the same spaces and occupy all of that again. But it's never the same, because travelling changes you, of course in a better way. We start to see the world from a better and bigger perspective. It helps in our personal growth on a very large scale.






Today's generation Z often struggles to find answers to some questions. Or let me portray how many people do we know who have an exact idea of who they are and what they want from life. And the fact is it's totally normal; no one knows everything completely. The concept of identity is hollow. We are in a world that is constantly changing; people around us are constantly evolving and growing. And to adapt to the changing world, we need to change, and this change comes when we open ourselves to new life experiences waiting ahead for us. When we choose to travel, we are building ourselves proactively and, as a result, becoming a better and globalized version of ourselves.





 As a student, we were always expected to be socially aware. But reading and mugging up about the history and the politics doesn't remain with us forever. Seeing and witnessing everything with your eyes is always a better idea. When we travel, being in the unfamiliar automatically makes us more sensitive to everything that happens around us. Travelling to a new place is a strong step out of our comfort zone. So, while we are already out of that zone of comfort, taking a few more steps doesn't seem as scary as before. We were resulting in doing the things we would never do at home, from simple things like trying new cuisines or going for a trek and try to hike a mountain for the first time. After we have taken the first step of travelling to a new place, we build a momentum of doing other things we have never done before. Sometimes no one knows where life is going to take us. But there are ways we can steer the direction in our way, and travelling is on the top. So, it's time to take your life into your hands. It's in your hands what kind of person you're going to become, what kind of job you're going to have, and what kind of people you'll meet along the way.


Blog written by:-

Neeraja Saini